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Your Hospital. Our Data Insights. Ask Us Anything!

Ask Us A Question

Do you have a tricky question about your hospital’s operations? Reach out! We’ll tell you how to find your answer in a free Zoom meeting, setting you up to tackle your challenges effectively.

Your Answers Lie Within Your Data

  • Which physicians admit the most patients?

  • Which services are most profitable?

  • How does the time between admission and the last bill date affect the account balance?

  • Which services have the highest reimbursement rates?

  • What is our payor mix by service line?

  • Are there any noticeable trends in the admission rates of different financial classes?

  • What is the distribution of bad debt amounts and what factors contribute to bad debt accumulation?

  • What is the impact of different admitting physicians on patient length of stay?

  • Are there seasonal trends in admission rates?

  • Is the rate of total payment consistent across all financial classes?

  • How do insurance payments compare to total charges for each financial class? Is this different by service line?

  • Are there particular financial classes that have a higher rate of insurance denials or adjustments?

  • Is the rate of patient payments after insurance adjustments consistent across financial classes?

  • Are patients admitted on Tuesdays more or less likely to pay their co-pay?

…we will tell you how to find it.

Meet Gregory Brickner

Results Fanatic®

An entrepreneurial, results-driven executive with direct P&L responsibility and significant success in identifying, implementing, and executing profit growth initiatives and cash-flow improvement measures.  Known for a unique perspective to problem-solving augmented by strong technical skills, to bring growth to various businesses within the healthcare sector.

Navigating rural hospital challenges requires vigilance and preparedness. Through thorough analysis and intentional actions, survival transforms into meaningful progress, enriching the rural healthcare landscape.

Gregory Brickner

Navigate Challenges with Insights From Newbrier’s Results Check Blog

Explore insights on the Results Check blog, where we delve into crucial topics for rural hospitals—from financial planning and leadership strategies to data-driven decision-making. Discover actionable solutions, learn from in-depth analyses, and stay updated on industry trends to empower your rural hospital towards sustainable growth and excellence​.

Newbrier KRX: Financial Analysis As A Service
To Help You Make Better Decisions

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KRX brings industry-specific expertise and financial acumen to your organization, driving data-backed insights for fine-tuned business strategies.


Learn how our KRX financial analysis as a service can help your hospital thrive.